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Stainless steel cable branch box cabinet
    Views:776     Time:2020-6-18
Cable branch box is only used as a cable branch, the main role of the cable branch box is the cable splitting or transfer, the main role of the cable splitting and cable transfer role.
With the development of the process of cableization of the distribution network, when the distribution of independent loads with small capacity is more concentrated, the cable branch box can be used for the connection of multiple branches of the cable, because the branch box can not be operated directly on each circuit.
1, cable tap role. In a longer distance on the line there are a number of small-area cables tend to cause a waste of cable use, so in the outgoing to the electrical load, often using the trunk cable out, and then close to the load, the use of cable branch box will be divided into a number of small-area cable trunk cable by a small-area cable access to the load. Such wiring is widely used in urban power grids, such as street lights and other power supply, small user power supply.
2, cable transfer role. In a longer line, the length of the cable can not meet the requirements of the line, it is necessary to use the cable joints or cable transfer box, usually a short distance when the cable intermediate joints, but the line is longer, according to the experience of more than 1,000m in the cable line, if the cable in the middle of the middle of the middle of the intermediate joints, in order to ensure the safety of which will be considered in the cable branch box for transfer.
Cable branch box is widely used in outdoor, with the progress of technology, now with the switch of the cable branch box is also increasing, and urban cables tend to use double circuit power supply, so some people directly with the switch of the branch box called outdoor ring network cabinet, but at present most of such a ring network cabinet can not realize the distribution network automation, but has been introduced by the manufacturer can be distributed to the network automation of outdoor ring network cabinets, which makes the cable branch box and the boundary of the ring network cabinet began to make the cable branch box. This also makes the cable branch box and the boundaries of the ring network cabinet began to blur.

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